So we'll start this little session of filling in the gaps with one burning question that's never far from this homo's mind.
This is one thing that needs to die ASAP. It's shocking to think that disco pants and ombre hair have come and gone but these hideous items of footwear still remain. It's a joke that's not even funny anymore. Unless you work in a hospital/dental surgery, these are not in the slightest bit acceptable. Ever. The only thing left after the apocalypse won't even be cockroaches anymore, it will be these offensive shoes, if you can even call them that.
Where is the appeal in these clumpy, perforated chunks of plastic in a variety of hideous colours? Why would you want to put these on your feet? In what way do these horrendous, offensive, hideous have such mass appeal that they have their own stores? And more importantly, who are the idiots spending money on these monstrosities in order to be seen in public wearing them?
I've made it quite clear in the past the strong, footwear related opinions I have (I will never approve of a nude ballet pump and have no qualms about admitting this), but Crocs really do trump all other footwear in the DO NOT WANT stakes. For real, I can't understand anybody who would ever want to wear these. Is there some sort of unexplained mystery appeal to these shoes that I'm missing out on?
Where is the appeal in these clumpy, perforated chunks of plastic in a variety of hideous colours? Why would you want to put these on your feet? In what way do these horrendous, offensive, hideous have such mass appeal that they have their own stores? And more importantly, who are the idiots spending money on these monstrosities in order to be seen in public wearing them?
I've made it quite clear in the past the strong, footwear related opinions I have (I will never approve of a nude ballet pump and have no qualms about admitting this), but Crocs really do trump all other footwear in the DO NOT WANT stakes. For real, I can't understand anybody who would ever want to wear these. Is there some sort of unexplained mystery appeal to these shoes that I'm missing out on?