Friday, 17 February 2012

A very big house in the country...or not

If you walk down any high street in the country, you are bound to encounter person after person dressed as if they have just stepped off of the set of "Emmerdale". Barbour jackets and Hunter wellies have become wardrobe staples for a certain type of person, and unfortunately for the rest of us, that type of person is NOT a farmer.

Obviously, the unpredictable Glasgow weather does create the need to wrap up to stay warm and dry, but was there really any need for the sight your boy witnessed not too long ago of a man walking through the city centre on a dry, sunny day, rocking his quilted Barbour, and jeans tucked into Hunters so pristine they had clearly never been used for their intended purpose?

Is there really any point in dressing like you've just jumped into town for a quick shop before jumping back on your tractor to milk a few cows before your night out? Especially when the reality is you'll be jumping into your Corsa back to your perfectly un-farm like house, via a sunbed? You are fooling nobody, that tan is not as a result of days of manual labour out in the fields.

By no means is this "rural" look a bad thing. It's actually very effortless and still fashionable, which is why your boy suspects it has taken off amongst the general public. However, a huge percentage of those adopting this look at their own would be well advised to consider other sartorial options. The whole point of being a farmer is to herd the sheep, not to become a sheep yourself.


Keep your burning fashion questions coming into, you know you want to...

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