Friday, 10 February 2012

Neon Appreciation

Today a girl I know came into my work. She said "I read your blog last night, it inspired me to wear jeggings." Definitely NOT the point of that particular entry. A few others told me I was a bit harsh on a nude ballet pump...that there's a time and a place for it. Yes, there is, to a nice summer garden party or something. But battered, dirty nude ballet pumps showing off the patchy fake tan on your feet is NEVER a good look, so I'm still sending those into room 101, along with the offensive jegging. In fact can we just ban that word from the fashion vocabulary forever please?

On a nicer note, there is something that I had banished into fashion hell a few years ago that I'm now itching to get back into my wardrobe: neon. This is not fluoro, techno, hi-vis gear. This is not the queue for Cube unders at 5pm on a Saturday afternoon with tutus and matching leg warmers as far as the eye can see. And this is definitely NOT a repeat of the ill advised nu-rave phenomenon that had us all dressed like the cast of Skins (series one, duh) thinking that advert with Beth Ditto singing over it was an insight into our oh so wild weekends (puh-lease). This is neon for grown ups.

Last week I purchased these joggers from my work (I love a jogger btw, they get a bad reputation as something worn by neds and people who cant fit into anything with a zip, but they can actually be really nice and look hot when worn properly). As if the dip dyed grey effect wasn't enough, I was swung by the neon lace around the waistband. Really cool. If I could pull off the multi coloured neon tribal and aztec prints that are everywhere, then believe me, I would, but sometimes, just a pop of colour (or a POC if you're my style icon Brad Goreski would say) is enough.

Instead of going on Google images and typing in "celebrities wearing neon" for the kind of thing I like about this trend, I had a look on one of my favourite sites,, and found a few examples of how to make this trend work. Ugh, I'm sounding like a cunt here, but fuck it, I like neon and think everyone should have a bit of neon in their lives.

So enough of me telling you how to dress, just embrace the neon and the world will be a happier place. Just don't overdo it, the Big Fat Gypsy Weddings look is one you NEVER want to adopt.


Oh, PS, send me your questions for "Ask Aldo"... brutal honesty that will hopefully prevent fashion disasters... get them in to!

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